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CEO Sleepout 2018

CEO Sleepout 2018

Dear friends and clients,

Thanks for supporting me again this year for the 9th year running.

I am humbled by the support given by so many of my friends and clients.
Through all your generosity, WA’s 63 CEOs raised $514,478.
Australia wide, the 1438 CEOs raised $6,392,426.

I was ranked 4th in WA and No. 21 Australia wide in the funds collected.

The homelessness problem continues to inspire me to do as much as possible to help where I can.

Thank you for joining me in helping fight the problem.

The $32,745 I raised from your generosity helped provide:
a. 103 Individual support programs to assist individuals to avoid homelessness.
b. 272 emergency relief beds for persons who need short-term accommodation.
c. 1091 meals to persons in homeless shelters.

Thank you all of you from the bottom of the homeless lawyer’s heart.

The 4 Amigos who have done it for 9 years Barry Felstead, Shane Ball, Bob Bollen and myself.