Chinese New Year Celebrations at Tan and Tan Lawyers
Dear readers
Yes, it is the year of the Snake. As per Tan and Tan Lawyers’ custom, we organised a lion dance to usher in the new year. This has been a tradition since our days at Wellington St. We have had lion dancers for the new year celebrations every year except last year when my mother in law passed away just before the new year. God bless her soul.
She would have enjoyed the refreshments and entertainment we organised this year.
As usual we invited friends and residents of the Westralian. It was great to see quite a few neighbours come down to enjoy the celebrations.
We were lucky to have Cedric Ng take some great pictures. Cedric is a good friend who has taken up photography as a hobby recently. His pics are great.
The only thing missing is the sound. Gwen, my friend has promised to send me her video.
The video will show the sound of the firecrackers, the drums, the smoke and mayhem that is the Chinese New Year celebration.
As usual Annie and the rest of the staff were great in organising the refreshments for the guests.
Photos tell the story.

The staff and sons

Feeding the lion with angpow

Receiving the lucky lettuce

Climbing for the angpow

Entering the office with lots of noise

The crackers and lions

Brian, our big guest

A small guest

Lighting the crackers

Our Ming warrior getting into the mood

Lady Justice waiting for the lions

Sticky mochi for good luck

Guests and refreshments

lucky mandarins